Somewhere in Europe, precisely Munich, Germany.
Many a times I had thought of writing about my journey from India to Deutschland but never really took this seriously till one very guten day. This Voyage has been interesting and pure fun. Maybe it is exactly what I wanted plus (minus) a lot more covariation effects, but now asking for more simply feels so covetous.I mean I am not like those geekiest nerdy pussies (American English meaning intended) who keep crying even when they get 98 on 100. I hate ‘em suckiest losers's bitches. Never mind, now it is the good time; well time was always good but I don’t know this time-zone feels so fine. One thing leading to another and this is what casacade called life is; full of small coincidences, few lovely faces, good food, good music, sleep and NOTHING else. Everything is so random. But more you try to find out what the purpose of life is the more confuse d you are, so I will not waste much of your time, just a little. You wake up one day and you don’t know how a very small object in this wild universe that doesn’t matter at all in the long run can make you feel so happy or unhappy. The dumbest thing is that we all are so stupid to cry for things. But again these small things (can be people sometimes) are what every moment is all about and I am not Gandhi I get angry when someone(read chicks) calls me ugly, or when I get low grades ( yes I am very serious this time, mommy) or when India loses to Bangladesh or when...ok leave it.
So coming back to this very momentous day, this was my first day at the Der Universitat Muenchen (University of Munich). Prof Dr. Eva (*she’s my angel, don’t worry I will explain everything) told me to be at the entrance of Psychology and Psychiatry Department by 8:30 am and so I was there sharp as the tips used in electron microscopes for shuffling atoms around individually, metaphorically speaking of course. The wind was very cold as moon and dry as IITK but, I was feeling restless and nervous as a Schizophreniac paranoid delusioned patient. I entered from the main gate and what I saw was what I had expected to, a bunch of doctors, running wearing their lab coats like the way the coolies run on New Delhi railway station but come coolies are way cooler. The feeling in the room was similar to the NewDelhi station to say the least. And then the really Big Kongress (meeting) of all the rich doctors started. It was in a big library containing all the similar looking books, you know what is being talked about here. Those books that no one has ever read and if a child asks his father, "papa why these all books look the same?" his dad would answer that they are different edition of the same book by his favourite fucking author. But the truth is that they are just kept there to make worthless junkies feel miserable about their inane multidirectional life. Fucks feel like they could have choosen a different path all together by spending their time reading these fucking books while actually they spent it scoring, fucking and doing nothing.
Surprisingly I was also invited to the Kongress, just as a new member( I felt like newbie of Scrubs) of the department. Okay, the Big Boss started asking the doctors something in German which I didn’t understand even a word. I say this because for past one week I was trying to learn german when I could have utilised that time doing something productive something like facebooking. Anyways, I guess he was inquiring what the cuss they all did during the past week or maybe whom they did. Still I was pretending hard to look serious & that I understood everything that was being talked about, few times even faked some laughs. Hahaha…guten..shit…that word goes with everything and then...
Yes this was it, the very moment which has inspired me to write this piece of story that might change lives of many people of the coming generations. Seriously this massive it is, I know you all will thank me in the end. Actually I mean my life and my progeny’s given I am productive enough. It goes like this, Prof Eva stood up and introduced me to approx 50 big doctors, big as in age, so I assumed they know a lot more than me about anything but that could have also been possible if they were younger. They all welcomed me by slowly tapping the round table around which they were sitting. It was a moment of pure joy. I never had achieved such great high in my life. I don’t know but it was AWESOME. At that moment an immense respect for the German people was born inside my heart and a new inspiration to work with 100 % on my project arose. You know back in India no professor or doctor would ever welcome a naïve baby boy like me by beating their desks or anyother thing. But they did, yes they did and nothing was ever the same....