Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Rape Me My Friend.

A lot of power, a lot of truth, a lot of pain, a lot of anger, a lot of shame, a lot of light, a lot of grief, a lot of sickness, a lot of ignorance, a lot of bravery, a lot of symbolism, a lot of significance.

This was what the documentary was about, except a lot more.

India, our India. The fastest developing nation, the nation with world greatest mathematical discoveries and the land of Ayurveda, yoga and land where all the gods lived and everything great that has ever existed. But the fact is that this not that place anymore. It has been annihilated by poverty, ignorance, selfishness and by the lust for money, women and power.

So why did it happen. That's the biggest question that we need to ask. And what can we do about it ?

I outrightly reject the bullshit hypothesis of girl being at the wrong place at the wrong time and reacted in the wrong way. People who think along these lines are a failure and need immediate care. Though they form a large chunk of the population. That's a big worry.

The reason lies much more deeper than that. It lies in the psyche of the criminals, psyche of the society. And I don't blame the criminals alone, its a shame for all of us, all of the people of India. When you see these acts happening everyday in front of your eyes. So think it's okay do indulge in such acts. And everyone knows that they are happening but nobody has the balls to something about it because thats how the things have been and will be like forever.

The schools are teaching, oh yes they are. Schools are everywhere. Students like the victim went to about the same school as they the murderers went to. She must have seen such brutal scenes in her neighborhood. But I think it was the attitude of the parents, her own judgment that lead to development of diametrically opposite world views of the two. While the victim moved towards the light the murderers moved towards the darkness.

Who is to be blamed for that ? Every man has a choice always. Always. It's not alcohol that makes the decisions for you, it's your values, it's your surroundings, its the people around you. The line you draw between right and wrong , is very thin and is very contextual. What is acceptable and unacceptable is in your hands and always will be, unless you are a coward like the murderers.

The blame has to be taken by all of us and equally. All those who are neglecting that such things are happening, all those who are in power to do something about this but aren't. all those who don't have enough depth in the mind to understand why this is happening, all those who are using this as an excuse to gain leadership, all those who are understanding everything but changing the channel. Everyone is equally responsible for her death and everyone has equal right to attain atonement. We made them.

Talking of Mars Missions and Nuclear development doesn't makes sense when such things are happening in your background. You just can't let us heinous crimes happen and remain content in your satisfied city life. And please don't give me the crap argument that the criminals don't represent the modern Indian society, Fact is and remains that more than 50% people of India are living in extreme poverty and ignorance.

It's a big responsibility every Indian has to take and the time has come now. 'Cause if we don't do anything about it, it will explode our society soon. There are too many weak spots in the foundation of the Indian society that need to be cemented simultaneously as we build the higher stories.'Cause we all know what happens the buildings the weak foundations. They break down like a house of cards.

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